Rob Cottingham is smarter than any of us.

Rob CottinghamI’ve written about my friend Rob Cottingham before. He scribes the fantastic web 2.0 cartoon Noise To Signal, which I’ve written about recently.

Rob gave the keynote at this year’s Northern Voice, Vancouver’s major blogging and social media conference. I wasn’t able to be at NV09, but I knew when Rob’s keynote started, because I saw Twitter light up with fantastic praise, reviews and general hilarity.

Here’s how his keynote was described:

Rob Cottingham takes a lightning tour through both the intentionally and accidentally hilarious sides of social media, with a presentation that’s half stand-up comedy, half provocative treatise, and half meditation on why he can never get fractions to add up properly.

He is just a truly funny man. Not just anyone could riff for twenty minutes on what makes social media funny. Rob can.

So I am very excited that his keynote is now available for embedding, because I was truly bummed to have missed it.

With no further ado, here, my friends, is Rob Cottingham’s keynote addresss, “Teh Funny” (enjoy!):

You can also download this clip to your iPod.

PS: Rob can be found on Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, his blog and his Social Signal blog. It is my intention that within this single blog post you will go from not knowing who Rob is, to being intrigued, finding out more, learning all about him and then becoming totally sick of him. You’re welcome.

PPS: The quality of this broadcast is phenomenal. See how it was done.

Job posting for social media strategist.

Social SignalMy friends at Social Signal, the company who created, are hiring a Social Media Strategist. Here’s what they’re looking for:

We’re looking for a social media strategist who can work with a team to create innovative visions for online community and social media projects, and turn those visions into reality. The right person is great with people, words, technology and details.

Social Signal is run by Alexandra Samuel and Rob Cottingham (who creates the phenomenal Noise to Signal cartoons), two amazingly creative and strategic people. Could be quite an incredible opportunity for the right person, and I wanted to pass it along to my readers.

Interested? Read the full job description, or apply now.

The posting closes on January 16th, so act quickly. And make sure to tell ’em I sent you…