
Photo credit: mightyboybrian on Flickr.
Photo credit: mightyboybrian on Flickr.
It was writing this blog, writing mostly about social media, where I found my voice. It gave me confidence and support, brought me into a community of bloggers and took me to places far and wide to speak to and connect with people at conferences.
Looking back, I owe a huge debt of gratitude to this platform of professional and personal expression. When I started it on a whim ten years ago in a bored moment working at a web development shop in Los Angeles, I never would have guessed the transformational role it would play in my life.
Thanks to all of you who drop by from time to time to join me on my journey, read what I write and leave a comment. It means a hell of a lot to me.
Today marks the beginning of my eighth year of blogging. And I wanted you to know.
That is all.