I speak about the community housing sector, values-based business practices, and my new book.

Here are some of my key recorded talks and podcast appearances…

From Film Sets to Boardrooms with William Azaroff
Discover Fresh Perspectives

Listen on Apple Podcasts, Spotify

Life in Community Housing
Demystifying Community Housing Podcast

Listen on Apple Podcasts, Spotify

Planning for Building Decarbonization: Affordable Housing
ZEBx Podcast

Listen on Apple Podcasts, Spotify

Vancity Non-Profit Housing Grants
BCNPHA Webinar

Values-Driven Leadership With William Azaroff, CEO, Board Director & Author
The X Podcast

Listen on Apple Podcasts, Spotify

A Community Mindset with William Azaroff
Building Good Podcast

Listen on Apple Podcasts, Spotify

Battling Goliath: Taking on the Giants (skip to 20:47 in the video).
The People’s Disruption: Platform Co-ops for Global Challenges
Date: November 10-11, 2017
Location: New York, NY
I spoke at the Platform Co-op meeting in New York about the origins of Modo Co-op and how we grow in the face of global competitors (skip to 20:47 in the video).

PREVIEW: Battling Goliath: Taking on the Giants.
Disruption ’17 by CU Water Cooler Conference
Date: June 6-7, 2017
Location: Madison, WI
My talk this year was focused on the history of Modo Co-operative, the carsharing organization where I was elected to the board.

On The Spectrum.
CU Water Cooler Symposium 2015
Date: October 1-2, 2015
Location: Kansas City, MO
My talk this year was called On The Spectrum, and featured a very special musical guest. It covers how I gained a career in my 40s as an amateur alt-rock music producer.

Sawdust, Empty Bottles and Moustaches: A Retelling of the Co-operative Story.
CU Water Cooler Symposium 2014
Date: September 11-12, 2014
Location: Austin, TX
My presentation was called Sawdust, Empty Bottles and Moustaches: A Retelling of the Co-operative Story and focused on the origins of the co-op movement why it’s relevant in the world and economy today.

Everything I Learned About Leadership I Learned From Filmmaking
CU Water Cooler Symposium
Date: October 4-5, 2012
Location: Nashville, TN
I turned this talk into a book. Making films is not the most obvious background for moving into senior management at a credit union. What are the lessons one can take from making films and apply to leadership? As a former filmmaker and current credit union executive, I shared my experiences, insights and half-baked notions about how my current career owes a huge debt to my early background making films.