Net.Finance has just updated their website with the full agenda of their upcoming Online Innovations in Financial Services Marketing conference. It will take place at the New York Information Technology Center from January 23-24, 2008.
The main proposition is: Engaging Your Customers Through Social Media, Social Lending & Mobile Banking. Sounds pretty good. I’m fortunate enough to have been asked to speak at this conference, and I’m also happy to be speaking about something other than (not that I ever get sick of talking about it).
My topic is Responding To Bloggers – Playing On Their Turf. The session is described as so:
There is a conversation going on right now in the blogosphere about your FI. Are you tracking the comments being made? Are you responding? Do you have a strategy in place to determine the right course of action to deal with bloggers who write about your company?
- Learning how to track conversations in the blogosphere
- Determining when is the right time to respond
- Seeing and evaluating the pros and cons of entering the conversation
Should be a fun time, hope to see you in New York.