Didn’t WaMu’s CMO get a memo or something?

I had a surreal moment today.

I read the news that WaMu is now JPMorgan. Great.

When I moved back to Canada five years ago, I left some of our US money in my WaMu account. Well, whatever, it’s a small amount and I’m sure it’ll be fine. And then I get this little email marketing nugget.

WaMu News | The holidays start today.

I got this email TODAY. At 6:47pm. Didn’t their CMO get a memo or something? Am I about to start saving for the holidays… today… at WaMu? Hmmm, let me give that a little thought.

Two things I liked about the email:

  • There was this reminder in the tagline: Deposits at Washington Mutual are FDIC insured. Whew!
  • I can easily unsubscribe from future WaMu email marketing.

What would I have preferred? Some acknowledgement that the bank that holds MY money has been taken over and a link to some information that I need to know about how it affects me. Some recognition of what is actually going on.


At least they now have some information for WaMu customers on their homepage about the takeover, which they didn’t when I first received this email.

Say it with me now: Whoo Hoo!

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