May I introduce you to a Banker With Balls?

My friend and conference colleague Jurie Pieterse, who is Head of Marketing Communications at ING Direct (US) has started a blog called Banker With Balls.

Here’s how he describes the name in his inaugural post:

“With balls” – other than to infer some gutsiness – is a reference to where I work at the bank who loves orange balls: ING DIRECT… I’ll try to keep it balanced, but remember that I am passionate about my marketing work for ING DIRECT so that will likely come through.

I look forward to reading Jurie’s musings and opinions about marketing for a big, but untraditional FI. Having had the privilege of hearing him speak at two conferences, including the current Net.Finance where I’m writing this from, he has enough experience to be someone I can really learn from.

And here’s a link to his feed.

2 thoughts on “May I introduce you to a Banker With Balls?

  1. Indeed, seems like it…

  2. So where is your Banker with Balls?. He’s got no balls and deleted his blog.

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